About me

Welcome to my author website. Here you will find the latest information about my books, so it’s a great way to stay in touch with what I’m currently writing. If you’d like to be alerted about new releases, just enter your email address under ‘Follow Blog’. You can unsubscribe at any time.

I have been a full-time crime writer for a while now, but during my career I’ve also worked for various charities who try to stop the exploitation of vulnerable children and adults, as well as with prisoners, and I’ve worked as a coroner’s assistant.

I’ve written a mixture of standalone novels and crime series, and I also write short stories, several of which have been published in various anthologies in the UK and the US.

My books and stories have been shortlisted and longlisted for various writing competitions and awards, including the Mslexia novel competition and the International Thriller Writer Awards. My books regularly make Amazon’s Top 50 and Top 100 charts.

A full list of my ebooks, audiobooks and paperbacks on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited can be found here.

If you click the ‘Follow’ button under my profile picture here on Amazon, they will notify you when I have a new book available for pre-order.

Following me on Bookbub means you’ll be alerted when one of my books is on offer.

The only social media site l use these days is my author page here on Facebook, so if you stumble across an account for me on another platform, it’s 100% fake! On Facebook I keep my followers up to date with the latest book news, behind the scenes insights and snippets, plus photos of my cat, Teddy.

Happy reading!
